Hi! I’m Lauren. I’m a certified lactation counselor, postpartum doula, baby sleep & wellbeing specialist, and most importantly, a mama of 2!

When my first baby was born he made me a parent, yes, but he also inspired me to completely change the trajectory of my life. Up until that point I had been a professional musician, traveling the country and spending lots of time on solo road trips and meeting interesting people. Now I found myself at home with a baby who struggled to sleep, wanted to breastfeed all the time, and was essentially attached to my body around the clock for the first 2 years. If I could go back to that anxious, lonely version of myself as a new and uncertain mama, I would give her a big hug and tell her it would all work out. That she would eventually find herself again, although it might look a little bit (ok, a lot) different than she might think.

Now, 6 years later, I am still learning from that highly sensitive little baby, although he’s much too big for me to carry now, and what it means to raise him as a highly sensitive person myself. I emerged from that hazy first year of parenting and set out to re-educate myself on the foundations. Considering how confident I had felt going into parenthood, let’s just say it had been a humbling experience when I realized how little I actually knew.

Since I found myself at home with a toddler instead of out on the road, I decided to put the teeny tiny bit of free time I could find (usually after my baby went to bed... whenever that might be) to use. I certified as a postpartum doula and began supporting other families in my community here in Nashville, Tennessee. As I deepened my understanding of the postpartum experience and the ways that parents are lacking the care they so desperately need, I began to zoom in on the ways I felt I could best support them.

I launched my business in 2020 as a lactation counselor and sleep specialist, with a heavy emphasis on attachment, responsive parenting, and postpartum wellbeing This runs throughout the support I offer no matter which service you book, so if we are working on sleep I will always ask you how feeding is going and vice versa. I will also check in on your mental health, talk about ways to simplify your load so that you can rest and bond with your baby, and help you learn their unique cues and how to support their development and build secure attachment (hint: you need a lot less stuff than you think!).

Today you’ll find me at home with my two kids, reading books or playing outside with them. Or teaching a mama how to breastfeed in a more restful position, or helping a tired parent make the connection between sensory needs and sleep for their rambunctious toddler. I traded in my previous career, one which by nature was centered around me, for a new one where the focus is on connection. On empowering parents. On challenging unhelpful narratives. On raising up the next generation of compassionate, change-bringing humans.

I am very much looking forward to supporting you and yours.

Xo, Lauren

Let's get that liquid gold and sleepy dust!


Let's get that liquid gold and sleepy dust! *